(영문) 인천지방법원 2016.01.21 2015고단4200




A shall be punished by imprisonment of one year and four months, and by imprisonment of one year and two months, respectively.

However, the defendant B is subject to objection.


Punishment of the crime

To the extent that there is no concern about actual disadvantage to the Defendants’ exercise of their defense rights, criminal facts are recognized with rhythizing the facts charged and 4,200.

1. Joint crimes committed by Defendant A and Defendant B

A. In order to collect access media, such as passbooks, cards, etc., to be used in committing the crime, and call to many unspecified persons to identify account information, etc., and transfer the collected money to the account as above by deceiving the victims; “One-person”G “A” plays the role of giving the Defendants a specific direction of cash withdrawal; Defendant A, who managed passbooks, cards, etc., instructed the said “G” and “H” to withdraw cash directly or to withdraw cash to Defendant B and I; Defendant B, who was in charge of withdrawing cash under the direction of Defendant A and Defendant A, intended to acquire money from victims.

(1) In accordance with the foregoing public offering, the Defendant is the National Police Agency Investigation Team on June 26, 2015 by calls from the victim F at around 18:00 on June 26, 2015.

It is necessary to take measures to prevent additional damage because the letter of credit for international financial fraud is connected to the money laundering case.

In connection with the current public prosecutor's office site known to the victim, the victim entered the account number, password, and the OTP security card number into the victim's bank account in the victim's name.

Afterwards, the employee in charge of phishing transferred 2.9 billion won from the national bank account (J) in the name of the victim to the agricultural bank account (L) in the name of K using the above information.

The defendants continue to exist in 19:40 on the same day in the 548 central building, as the Seoul Special Metropolitan City Gwangjin-gu Incheon.