(영문) 대구지방법원 2014.07.09 2013고정2618



The defendant shall be innocent.


1. Around April 5, 2013, the Defendant: (a) around 18:30 on April 5, 2013, on the land leased by the Victim F in Yongcheon-si D, the Defendant: (b) set up a chain on the land entering the land leased by the Victim F in Yongcheon-si; (c) obstructed traffic by preventing the entry of the vehicle for farming use; and (d) obstructed the Victim F’

2. Determination:

A. (1) As to the general traffic obstruction, the purpose of the general traffic obstruction under Article 185 of the Criminal Act is to punish all acts of causing damage to or infusing a road, etc. or significantly obstructing traffic by causing damage to or infusing it, or other means, as a crime under the benefit and protection of the law of the general public. Here, the term “landway” refers to a place of public traffic, i.e., a place of public nature where an unspecified number of people, vehicles, or horses are allowed to freely pass through, without limited access to a specific person (see, e.g., Supreme Court Decisions 9Do401, Apr. 27, 199; 2009Do1376, Feb. 25, 2010).

① The Defendant purchased the instant road on or around December 19, 1978, and occupied and used the instant road by constructing a house and stable on the right-hand side, Young-si G (hereinafter referred to as “, parcel number only”) and H and I ground, the left-hand side of which are the instant road. The instant road is located in the entrance installed on or around February 3, 2013 by the steel gate or the Defendant, which was already installed and demolished by the Defendant.