(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2019.06.20 2018노1504



All appeals filed by the prosecutor against the Defendants are dismissed.


1. The court below found the Defendants not guilty of the facts charged on the part of the Defendants, despite the Defendants deceiving the victims and deceiving them by deceiving them.

2. In full view of the circumstances acknowledged by the evidence duly admitted and investigated, the lower court, based on the evidence submitted by the prosecutor, thereby deceiving the victim as shown in the facts charged.

The Defendants determined that there was insufficient intention to commit fraud.

The following circumstances acknowledged by the evidence duly adopted and investigated by the court: (a) Eul lent money to the defendants andO by agreement among the creditors to pay money to Eul to each type of Eul; (b) K transferred money from the court of the first instance to use for the factory operation fund of Eul; and (c) Eul stated that it was unable to hear from the defendants the fact that it borrowed money under the same name as stated in the facts charged; (b) E borrowed money from the defendants for the expenses that it borrowed money to five billion won from a foreign country; (c) it stated that it took another name; (d) it took part in the lending other than the defendants; and (e) E took part in the lending of this case, due diligence of the factory of Eul; and (e) it paid money to the defendants as stated in the facts charged; and (e) it was doubtful whether the defendants were aware of the same horses as the facts charged; and (e) it was necessary to use the building and the apartment site as a security for the factory; and (e) it was doubtful that the building and the factory site were used as a security for the defendant.