(영문) 서울고등법원 2018.04.12 2017노3463



The judgment of the court below is reversed.

Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months.

Sexual assault against the defendant for 80 hours.


... 마셔서 지금 만취 상태로 잔다고 ③ F는 다음날 피해자를 경찰에 데려갔고, 경찰은 서울해 바라기센터 진술 녹화 실에서 10:21부터 10:51까지 약 30분 동안 피해자의 진술을 듣고 영상 녹화를 하였는데( 이하 ‘ 피해자의 경찰 진술’ 이라 한다), 피해자는 “ 피고인이 성기를 보여주었고 음부를 혀로 핥았다” 고 명확하게 진술하였으나, 그 외에 다른 피해가 있었느냐

I stated that the question is not as follows:

385 door: and in addition, 386 door 387 door : (Fence fence fence) no such door, 388 door :

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390 Respondents: Hashesheshe has incurred again following her words:

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선생님 보여줬쟎아. 그거 말고 또 다른 것 뭐 했어

340 Answer: ** Albama *

(C) Note 409: The 410 answer that would first be shown and shown to be the 2nd answer, after the IER shown to be the subject of this test and, if so, the 2nd answer that would result in the 2nd answer

o. Notice 411: The answer No. 412: The answer No. 432 should not be the answer, even though the answer is different from the answer No. 431, since the answer No. 412: the answer No. 432, which is the harshly different from the answer No. 429, and the answer No. 430.

The answer 433 door: (a) the answer 434 door, which was unsatisfyed by another; (b) the answer 435 door was satisfyed by the satisfy; (c) the answer 436 door: (d) the answer 437 door was satisfyed by hand or by other satisfy: (d) the answer 438 door was satisfyed by hand and 439 door: (e) the answer 438 door was not satisfyed by another sat: (e) the answer was the other satfy; (e) the answer was that the other satisfyed by this satisfy; and (e) the other satisfyed by this satisfy; and (e) the victim did not answer 444 on the same day after the statement