(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.10.19 2016고단5470



1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than two years and six months;

Of the facts charged in the instant case, the attached list of crimes (A) is netly 24,00.


Punishment of the crime

Defendant A, as the head of the relevant company’s Daegu Center, served as an investor to attract investors, such as holding a business explanation meeting, when investing in businesses such as the storage and treatment of stem cells against many and unspecified persons, paying 200% or 300% of the principal of the investment within a short period of time. Defendant A, as the head of the relevant company’s Gwangju Center, and Defendant B, as the head of the relevant company’s Daegu Center, has been holding a business explanation meeting.

1. In spite of the fact that no person violating the Act on the Regulation of Similar Receiving Acts commits any act of receiving money, etc. from many and unspecified persons for the purpose of receiving money, etc. under the pretext of investment, etc., the said company did not obtain authorization or permission from the authorities concerned.

Nevertheless, from July 2, 2015 to February 5, 2016, the Defendants conspired to make an investment of KRW 200% of the investment amount to many and unspecified persons in the foregoing Gwangju-gu Center and Ulsan, Daegu, and Busan, the fiveth century, and to pay the investment amount to KRW 300% of the investment amount without attracting investors. The company is a company selling the stem cell license at discount. The company has its head office in the United Kingdom, and the company has its head office in the United Kingdom. The above company's stem cell storage and operation are 260,00 won,520,000 won, 1568,000 won, 4680,000 won, 140,000 won, and 200% of the investment amount if attracting subordinate investors.

After the conclusion of the agreement, the sum total of KRW 588,060,000 was received from the damaged 291 in total over 578 times as shown in the list of crimes in the attached Form.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to make payment of the total amount of the investment or the amount exceeding it in the future without the authorization or permission of the authorities, and imported similar receiving of the investment.

2. The above facts of fraud are as follows. The Defendants’ “H” are as follows.