(영문) 광주지방법원순천지원 2020.11.24 2020가단72123



1. The defendant shall deliver to the plaintiff the building indicating the attached real estate.

2. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.


According to the evidence evidence Nos. 1 through 4, on November 15, 2017, the Plaintiff entered into a lease agreement with the Defendant for the indication building on attached real estate (hereinafter “instant building”) as indicated below and delivered the instant building to the Defendant on or around December 1, 2017. The above lease agreement includes the term “if the monthly rent is in arrears for at least three consecutive months, the lessor may terminate the instant contract.” The above lease agreement includes the term “if the monthly rent is in arrears for at least three consecutive months, the lessor may terminate the instant contract.” The fact that the Defendant did not pay the rent continuously for at least three consecutive months prior to the filing of the instant lawsuit, and the fact that the Plaintiff served on the Defendant a duplicate of the complaint of this case containing the intent to terminate the instant lease on the grounds of the continuous repayment of rent for at least three consecutive months on the record is clear.

Since June 2019 A, 201.6.20, 970 A, the reason for the cancellation of the contract by the owner of the monthly rent for the display deposit of the real estate, the lease contract on the building of this case was terminated.

Therefore, the defendant is obligated to deliver the building of this case to the plaintiff.

After all, the plaintiff's claim is accepted on the ground of the reasons.