(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.02.09 2017나58399



1. Of the judgment of the court of first instance, the part against the defendant exceeding the money ordered to be paid below shall be revoked.


1. The reasons for the acceptance of the judgment of the court of first instance are as stated in the reasoning of the judgment of the court of first instance, except where part of the judgment of the court of first instance is used as follows. Thus, it is acceptable to accept it as it is by the main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act

2. The 3rd 16th 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2th 2th 2th 2th 2th 3th 16th 2nd 3th 1

On the fourth 6th 6th th th th e of the judgment of the first instance court, "the plaintiff was a visa holder at the time of the accident in this case." "the plaintiff was a person of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "China"), who was a visa holder at the time of the accident in this case, was staying in the Republic of Korea."

Part 4 of the judgment of the first instance court, the “Urban Daily Wage,” “Urban Daily Wage,” and “Urban Daily Wage,” respectively, shall be construed as “Urban Daily Wage,” in this case, in which only the Defendant appealed, if the daily income is calculated based on the rise urban daily wage after the closing of argument in the first instance court, the Defendant only runs counter to the principle prohibiting disadvantageous change, and thus, the Urban Daily Wage, which is based on the first instance court, shall be applied as it is).”

On January 23, 2018, the first instance court's decision No. 18-19 (the base rate for sale on January 23, 2018, which is 167.97 won higher than this, or the base rate for sale, which is 163.75 won higher than that of the first instance court's final decision No. 163.75 (the base rate for sale on January 23, 2018, which is 167.97 won higher than this, or the base rate for sale, which is 167.97 won higher than that of the first instance court's final decision No. 130,803 x 163.75 won at the time of the closing of the instant argument in this case) ± 12].

Each "vertebrate Damage Part" in the 5th and 6th of the judgment of the first instance court shall be applied to all "vertebrate Damage Part".

On the 5th 12th 12th 1 of the judgment of the first instance court, "the above-mentioned items" shall be amended into "the first paragraph of the damage to the vessels".

Part 5 of the judgment of the first instance shall be 13.