(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2018.02.19 2017고단2217




A Imprisonment of 2 years and 6 months, Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment of 6 months, Defendant C, D, and E, respectively.


Punishment of the crime

【Defendant B’s criminal records” was sentenced to one year and six months of imprisonment for a crime of fraud in the support of Suwon Friwon, on October 27, 2016, and the judgment became final and conclusive on January 18, 2017. On September 8, 2017, Defendant B was sentenced to four months of imprisonment for a crime of perjury at the Suwon Friwon Friwon, and the judgment became final and conclusive on February 9, 2018.


C On July 21, 2016, after having been sentenced to eight months of imprisonment for fraud in the support of Suwon Friwon, the judgment became final and conclusive on October 28, 2016.


D On July 21, 2016, after having been sentenced to 8 months of imprisonment for fraud in support of Suwon Friwon, the judgment became final and conclusive on November 22, 2016.


E on October 27, 2016, after being sentenced to eight months of imprisonment for fraud in support of Suwon Friwon, the judgment became final and conclusive on April 22, 2017.

【 범죄사실】 피고인 A( 위 챗 대화명 ‘H’) 은 중국과 한국을 오가면서 전화금융 사기 범행에 가담할 사람을 모집하는 총책이고, 피고인 B( 위 챗 대화명 ‘I’) 는 국내 전화금융 사기 범행조직의 팀장이고, 피고인 C( 위 챗 대화명 ‘J’) 은 전화금융 사기 범행에 이용될 체크카드를 인출 책에게 전달하는 전달 책이고, 피고인 D( 위 챗 대화명 ‘K’) 과 피고인 E( 위 챗 대화명 ‘L’) 는 전화금융 사기 범행의 피해자들이 송금한 돈을 인출하는 인출 책이다.

1. From the end of April 2016 to the beginning of May 2016, Defendant A proposed that Defendant B, C, and D play a role in delivering physical cards and withdrawing the amount of damage with respect to the crime of telephone financing fraud. On May 2016, Defendant E also performed the role of withdrawing the amount of damage, etc. in relation to the crime of telephone financing fraud.

이에 따라 피고인들은 성명 불상의 전화 금융사 기범( 위 챗 대화명 ‘M’) 이 불특정 다수의 피해자들을 속여 금원을 송금 받으면 위챗을 통해 서로 연락을 취하면서 그의 지시에 따라 체크카드를 전달하거나 피해 금을 인출하여 다른 계좌에 재입금하는...