(영문) 광주지방법원 2017.09.28 2017나52275



1. The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Plaintiff.

The purport of the claim and appeal is the purport of the appeal.


1. Basic facts

A. On October 16, 2007, the Plaintiff concluded the instant insurance contract with the Defendant.

(A) Evidence No. 1). (b)

As seen in the table below, the Defendant was hospitalized for 372 days in total from September 13, 2010 to November 6, 2015, following the conclusion of the instant insurance contract, as seen in the following table, and was paid by the Plaintiff totaling KRW 99,193,498 as insurance proceeds under the instant insurance contract.

(다툼 없는 사실). 순번 사고일 진단병명 치료병원 치료를 시작한 날 치료를 끝낸 날 입원일수 지급일자 지급 보험금 01 2010-09-13 요추추간판 C병원 2010-09-14 2010-09-18 5 2012-02-10 980,000 02 2013-12-22 어지러움 C병원 2013-12-22 2013-12-23 2 2014-02-10 372,750 03 2014-05-16 슬관절증 D병원 2014-05-16 2014-05-19 4 2014-05-26 691,500 04 여성전용입원비 2014-05-28 50,000 05 D병원 2014-05-26 2014-06-07 13 2014-06-18 2,232,600 06 16대 및 여성수술비 지급 2014-06-19 10,116,200 07 E병원 2014-06-08 2014-06-21 14 2014-06-26 2,567,510 08 F병원 2014-06-22 2014-07-08 17 2014-07-15 3,737,080 09 G병원 2014-07-09 2014-07-24 16 2014-08-12 2,859,340 10 질병입원의료비 추가지급 2014-08-27 160,000 11 H병원 2014-07-25 2014-08-04 11 2014-09-16 5,104,880 12 I병원 2014-08-05 2014-08-23 19 13 질병일당 추가지급 2014-09-25 294,000 14 D병원 2014-09-12 2014-09-19 8 2014-10-30 2,901,580 15 J병원 2014-10-02 2014-10-06 5 16 K병원 2014-10-14 2014-10-25 12 2014-11-19 4,619,770 17 J병원 2014-10-28 2014-11-07 11 18 2014-11-24 슬관절증 D병원 2014-11-24 2014-11-25 2 2014-12-02 533,400 19 F병원 2014-11-28 2014-12-15 18 2014-12-24 1,939,300 20 16대 및 여성 일당 추가지급 2014-12-30 1,700,000 21 L병원 2014-12-18 2014-12-31 14 2015-01-15 2,054,840 22 D병원 2015-01-12 2015-01-19 8 2015-01-27 11,493,400 23 E병원 2015-01-26 2015-02-09 15 2015-04-01 10,454,300 24 G병원 2015-02-10 2015-02-23 14 25 H병원 2015-02-24 2015-03-10 15 26 I병원 2015-03-11...