(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2015.08.06 2015고단956



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.

Seized evidence 1 to 4 shall be confiscated.

(b) the defendant;


Punishment of the crime

In February 2006, the Defendant entered the D University economics department and then graduated from the same graduate school in February 2012. From around 2007 to around 100 female toilets, the Defendant taken pictures using digital cameras and super-small cameras.

1. At around 17:30 on December 19, 2014, the Defendant: (a) entered D University Social Science Museum 3 female toilets located in Dong-gu, Nam-gu, Dong-gu, Dong-gu, in the side partitions where the victim F (n, 21 years of age) entered; (b) and (c) the victim’s own partitions was off, thereby committing an indecent act by force, by taking the victim’s jum, who was off from the victim’s her knife off, by inserting his hand in the open space below the lower part.

2. Violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (Intrusion with public places for sexual purposes), and violation of the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment, etc. of Sexual Crimes (carmers, etc.)

A. On April 2012, the Defendant, at the time of the foregoing D University’s Social Science University building, taken a face of female women’s booms, to have his sexual desire satisfied his own sexual desire, taken a photograph of the victim’s name in which the victim’s boom-H10 digital camera, who was in possession, could cause a sense of shame by using the victim’s dSSC-H10 digital camera, was exposed to the victim’s boom.

B. On December 19, 2014, from around 10:00 to 17:30 on the same day, the Defendant intruded with the intent to satisfy his own sexual desire at the same place as the above paragraph (a) and taken a photograph of the victim’s name in which the victims, who had been in possession, could cause a sense of shame by using the digital camera owned by the Defendant.

C. On February 25, 2015, from around 11:00 on the same day to 17:00 on the same day, the Defendant intrudes with the intent to satisfy his/her sexual desire at the same place as the above paragraph (a), and may cause a sense of shame by using the ESC-H10 digital camera owned by the Defendant in advance.