(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2017.05.11 2017고단24



Defendants shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and six months.


A No. 1 of the evidence seized from A, and from Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime

피고인들은 법적으로 혼인한 부부로서, 전화금융 사기( 속칭 ‘ 보이스 피 싱’, 이하 ‘ 보이스 피 싱’ 이라고 함) 조직원의 지시를 받아, 계좌 명의자를 만 나 계좌번호와 비밀번호, 신분증 등을 파악하여 QQ 메신저를 통해 보이스 피 싱 조직원에게 정보를 전달하고, 보이스 피 싱 피해 자로부터 계좌 명의자에게 입금된 피해금액을 계좌 명의 자가 인출하면 이를 건네 받은 다음, 보이스 피 싱 조직원이 지정하는 계좌로 피해 금을 무통장 송금하는 보이스 피 싱 ‘ 전달 책’ 내지는 ‘ 송금 책’ 역할을 담당하면서, 성명 불 상의 보이스 피 싱 조직원과 함께 국내 불특정 다수의 피해자를 상대로 보이스 피 싱 범행을 하기로 공모하였다.

1. The sole criminal conduct of Defendant A;

A. On November 18, 2016, the Defendant: (a) taken G account number and identification cards from the account titleholder G to the bank staff in front of the opening area located in Agsan-ro 243, Agsan-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Seoul; (b) taken pictures of G account number and identification cards; and (c) sent them to Bosinging staff and sent them to Bosing staff; and (d) deposited money to the account account, the Defendant waiting with the account titleholder for the purpose of transferring the account without passbook via delivery.

After that, around 10:00 on November 18, 2016, the 2010 U.S. personnel in charge of the phishing under the name of the victim deceivings the victim “Is the public prosecutor’s office, which was established and used for the crime in the name of the party, and was used in the course of confirming the fact, to transfer money to the account which was made in the name of the party,” and then, he was transferred from the victim to the national bank account in G name (Account Number: I) around 12:30 on the same day.

Accordingly, the defendant, in collusion with the name infinite victim, acquired 12 million won from the victim.

B. The Defendant, at around 09:00 on December 15, 2016, assumes the name of the account holder J in only Naba Bank employees, and assumes the name of the account holder in 1 exit No. 980, i.e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e.