(영문) 서울동부지방법원 2019.10.16 2019고단1625



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

around 05:45 on March 30, 2019, the Defendant damaged the property owned by the victim by breaking the unclaimed glass window on the market price owned by the Defendant on the ground that the victim does not open the door in front of the son (here, 65 years old) who is the mother of Seongdong-gu Seoul, Seongdong-gu and Da, the mother of Seongdong-gu, Seoul, and the 65 years old.

The Defendant, “2019 Highest 2352,” was subject to a disposition to transfer home protection cases at the Seoul Eastern District Prosecutors’ Office on September 7, 2017 and May 30, 2019, to the effect that he/she was not authorized to prosecute each of the crimes of violence at the same office on March 30, 2016, and April 12, 2016, and that he/she was subject to a disposition that was not authorized to prosecute each of the crimes of violence at the same office on January 31, 2018.

The defendant is a victim D(n, 65 years of age).

1. At around 04:30 on July 5, 2019, the Defendant suffered bodily injury, namely, whether or not to grant a fine, such as death,” the victim’s head head, brusing, and cutting down the victim’s head, and cutting down the victim’s body on the floor, and continued to inflict bodily injury on the victim’s head, such as the number of days of treatment, in which the victim’s hair was treated, and approximately 2.5cm with the head of the victim’s head.

2. The defendant who habitually commits violence shall be habitually:

A. On February 22, 2019, around 05:20 on February 22, 2019, the victim assaulted the victim by taking the victim's face by being pushed away from the victim's home and being pushed away from the victim's home on his/her hand on the ground that he/she told the victim to speak;

B. On July 6, 2019, around 04:00, the victim assaulted the victim by putting the victim's head debt up on the floor and cutting down the victim's head debt on the ground that the victim did not provide the defendant's fine in the above residence.

Summary of Evidence

"2019 Highest 1625"

1. Statement made to D by the police;

1. Summary order;

1. On-site photographs, shot photographs, and crime prevention windows photographs;