(영문) 수원지방법원평택지원 2015.08.07 2014가단3257



1. Defendant B Co., Ltd.: (a) on April 22, 2015, on the motor vehicles listed in the separate sheet, the termination of the contract is limited to the reasons for cancellation.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. A. A motor vehicle listed in the separate sheet (hereinafter “instant motor vehicle”) was owned by Defendant B Co., Ltd. for the purpose of sale after acquiring it around November 6, 2013.

B. On February 5, 2014, the Plaintiff purchased the instant motor vehicle by setting the sales amount of KRW 33,00,000 from Defendant C, a used motor vehicle with Defendant C, who is a motor vehicle with Defendant C, as a used motor vehicle with Defendant C, and completed the ownership transfer registration on February 6, 2014.

C. After being delivered to the Plaintiff in Daejeon U.S., the Plaintiff suspended the instant vehicle with the engine noise, which is significant noise from the engine side of 30 minutes, for returning home to the expressway and driving on the expressway. D.

The stop of the instant vehicle while driving the engine is the direct cause of the engine’s 5 metric tons and KONing damage located from the off pumps among the five metric tons inside the engine. This is presumed to have been damaged by the relevant scke tons and KONing with the engine’s total contamination and circulation failure, etc., as the engine’s daily supply was obstructed to 5 metric tons due to the engine’s serious pollution and circulation failure due to the car and slots, etc.

E. The serious pollution and circulation failure of the engine error did not undergo a basic inspection of the main and the exhauster and the doer, which continued in excess of the engine error exchange cycle.

F. Items and expenses for the repair of the instant motor vehicle were confirmed to require KRW 11,784,300, such as engine self-exchange.

G. Meanwhile, Defendant C, while selling the instant vehicle to the Plaintiff, received directly the amount of KRW 27,900,000 and KRW 167,400 in the name of the Plaintiff, from the Plaintiff, the amount of KRW 35,117,400 in total, including KRW 6,00,000 and KRW 1,050,00 in the name of the Plaintiff. < Amended by Act No. 117, Dec. 27, 200>