(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.10.13 2016고단3574




A 1 year of imprisonment, Defendant B 8 months of imprisonment, Defendant C 6 months of imprisonment, Defendant D and Defendant E, respectively.


Punishment of the crime


A and Defendant B had worked together with the same company in the past, and Defendants C, Defendant D, Defendant E, and Defendant F are affiliated with Chinese nationality ship.

1. Defendants A and B, at around 23:02 on May 12, 2016, on the street of “I” located in Yongcheon-si, the victim C (ma, 34 years old), the victim D (ma, 35 years old), the victim E (ma, 26 years old), the victim F (ma, 26 years old), and the victim f (ma), are tightly bread with each other’s face at the victim’s face at the time of her hand and drinking, and the defendant continued to use the victim’s face at the victim’s face at the victim’s face at the victim’s face at the victim’s face at his/her hand and drinking, with his/her finger and drinking, and continuing to use the victim’s face at the victim’s face at the victim’s face at the victim’s face at the victim’s hand and drinking, and continuing to use the victim’s face at the victim’s face at the victim’s face at the victim’s hand and drinking.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly assaulted the victim C with the victim E and the victim D with the injury that requires approximately 56-day treatment for the number of days of treatment. The Defendants jointly assaulted the victim E and the victim D.

2. Defendants C, D, Defendant E, and Defendant F’s joint criminal acts have caused the victim A (ma, 33 years of age), the victim B (ma, 38 years of age) and vision as seen above at the time and place specified in paragraph 1, and each other’s bathing is performed. Defendant C, while being pushed down with the victim’s body, she was tightly used in the victim B’s body by hand, and she was tightly used in the victim B’s face.