(영문) 서울고등법원 2014.10.23 2014노2035



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal is that the court below sentenced the defendant to two years of imprisonment with prison labor and ordered the defendant to provide community service for 200 hours in addition thereto, and the sentence imposed by the court below is too unreasonable.

In particular, since the defendant is old and it is impossible to implement community service for 200 hours due to the recent shoulder operation, the order of community service of the court below is excessive to the defendant.

2. Determination on the grounds for appeal

A. There are circumstances favorable to the defendant, such as the defendant's age of 70 for the two years of imprisonment and the three years of suspended execution, the defendant's age of 70, and the defendant's age of 2 times of fine prior to the instant case, there is no record of criminal punishment, and the victim's company is a single company or a family company

However, the defendant transferred the above company to Co-defendant A and B by selling 161,400 shares of the victim company, and entered into a contract with the defendant to receive cash payment until January 20, 2008, and then, the head of the accounting division of the victim company's company ordered N that "the purchase price is in excess of A, and the company's funds are executed." The defendant embezzled the company fund of 2.6 billion won by transferring the company fund from the victim company's passbook to the passbook B to the passbook in the name of the defendant, thereby making the company fund deposited in the passbook in the name of the defendant, but he embezzled the company fund of 2.6 billion won, the defendant argued that "the co-defendants of the first instance court would have received the company fund by collusion." Considering that the defendant's criminal act was revealed during the investigation, and the defendant's criminal act was prosecuted, even if the defendant appears to be the time of the crime of this case, the punishment of the court below against the defendant is unreasonable.

Therefore, this part of the defendant's argument is without merit.

B. Defendant on the part of the community service order.