(영문) 의정부지방법원 2020.09.17 2019나218081



Among the judgment of the first instance, the part against the defendant exceeding the amount ordered to be paid under the order shall be revoked.


1. Basic facts

A. The defendant is a management body established for the management, etc. of the B Condominium, land, and accessory facilities in South Korea.

B. On October 2, 2017, the Plaintiff was awarded a contract by the Defendant for remodeling the installation, etc. of B-Roof Structures (hereinafter “the instant primary construction works”) with the amount of KRW 85 million and the construction period from October 2, 2017 to November 25, 2017.

C. On November 201, 2017, the Plaintiff was additionally awarded a contract for rooftop waterproof construction works (hereinafter “the instant secondary construction works”) to which the contract amount was set at KRW 11 million from the Defendant and added to the instant primary construction works (hereinafter “instant primary construction works”).

On December 5, 2017, C, the managing director of the Defendant, prepared and issued a written confirmation (hereinafter “instant confirmation”) as follows to the Plaintiff:

Confirmation of completion of the rooftop structure and waterproof work - The completion of the rooftop structure signboards (including three floors) - the 3th floor of the rooftop wall surface color - the completion of the rooftop management office - the completion of the rooftop-the completion of the project as above, confirm that the project has been completed as above.

E. By December 7, 2017, the Defendant paid the Plaintiff KRW 62,931,00 in total as the construction price of the instant case.

F. On May 15, 2018, the Defendant: (a) on May 15, 2018, the part 1 to 7 of the payment details of the 2017 B remodeling construction cost as follows to the Plaintiff is “the instant construction work details.”

The notice was given.

A signboard at the entrance of a parking lot, buildings and signboards at the entrance of a parking lot at the end of 520,00 for the installation of a 1st roof landscape structure (including landscape lighting and lighting control devices) with a low capacity of the construction site, and at the end of 520,00 for the installation of a 3th roof landscape lighting structure at the end of 5,300, for the removal of 470 completed rooftop and the removal of 470, for the removal of the existing 3th floor, and the removal of 5th floor waterproofing construction, which is complete of 380,60, for the maintenance of a management room at the elevator machinery room at the end of 420, for the completion of 420, and other necessary building maintenance work at the end of 420, for the first floor (1.5m) and 3th floor (25m, for the maintenance work at the end of 60