(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.11.10 2016고단4064



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

except that the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is a person who is engaged in driving a horse set car at B.

On July 14, 2016, the Defendant driven the said car with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.137% around 10:20, while under the influence of alcohol on July 14, 2016, and led the Defendant to drive the said car along one-lane road in front of the Grand-gu Mangian High School, which is located in the Mangsan-gu Mang-gu.

Since the automobile signal, etc. has been red signal, in such a case, the driver of the vehicle has a duty of care to prevent accidents in advance and safely drive the brake system by operating it accurately in order to make it possible for the driver of the vehicle to live well with the signal and prevent the collision with other vehicles stopping on the front side.

Nevertheless, under the influence of alcohol, the Defendant was driven by the victim C(the age of 62) who was in the atmosphere of the Defendant’s passenger vehicle in front of the Defendant’s passenger vehicle due to the negligence of neglecting it, and was driven by the victim C(the age of 62) who was in front of the Defendant’s passenger vehicle in front of the Defendant’s passenger vehicle, and the vehicle behind the Defendant’s vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the said vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front of the vehicle in front.

Ultimately, the Defendant suffered, by negligence in the above business, the injury to the victim C in light of its base and tension in need of approximately two weeks of medical treatment, the injury to the victim G (the 57 years old) who is a passenger of the said small-scale car, such as satis, satis, tensions, etc. in need of medical treatment for about three weeks, satis, satis, etc. in light of the trend that requires approximately eight weeks of medical treatment to the victim E, and the injury to the victim H (the 34 years old), who is a passenger of the said a large-scale motor vehicle, suffered from the injury, such as satis, tension, etc. in need of medical treatment for about three weeks.

Summary of Evidence

1. Defendant's legal statement;

1. Statement to E by the police;

1. The notification of the results of the drinking driving control, the report on actual condition survey, and each; and