(영문) 서울남부지방법원 2012.07.06 2012고정565



The defendant is not guilty. The summary of the judgment against the defendant shall be published.


1. The summary of the facts charged in this case was written and published by the Defendant around August 2004, and around June 2006, the Defendant written the first set of the drama “D” through a contract with the public performance planning company and the K (hereinafter “E”), but the Defendant consented to the amendment of the said “D’s technical elements are lacking,” and the Defendant recommended G as the complainant to revise the said first set of documents, and the complainant signed a written agreement with E.

Meanwhile, from November 2006 to April 2007, the complainant maintained a whole reduced distance based on D’s “D” and primary drama scripts, which are the Defendant’s original work. In addition, not only changed the arrangement order of the pages, but also changed the arrangement order of the pages, etc. to the extent that substantial similarity with the original work is maintained, such as changing a large portion of expression such as an ambassador, etc., the complainant completed the script of the drama “D”, which is a derivative work, and made and performed the drama “D” by using it.

Around January 2010, the Defendant entered into a performance planning company’s “H” and original and drama contract for the purpose of the production and performance of “D” as musical works in the French area not more than Seoul. From around that time to March 201 of the same year, the Defendant added music, which is a constituent element of the musical community, or added the young chills of the drama, and without the consent of the complainant, completed the script of “D” with most of the expressions such as figures appearing in the extreme body of the said drama “D”, which is the second copyrighted work of the complainant, and completed the script of “D” with their musical expressions such as Ambassador from April 20 to May 201, 201.

2. Determination

(a) records of basic facts;