(영문) 대구지방법원 경주지원 2018.10.02 2018가단12776



1. The defendant is based on the completion of the acquisition by prescription on December 20, 1978 with respect to the land size of B 460 square meters on a racing-si road.


1. Around October 18, 1957, the Plaintiff purchased the land from C, which was the actual owner of the land as stated in Paragraph 1 of the Disposition before subdivision.

After that, the Plaintiff’s land category was changed to a road by dividing the land as stated in the Disposition No. 1 of December 20, 1958, and thereafter, the acquisition by prescription was completed by occupying the land as a road management agency by the State or the Plaintiff in peace and openly and openly.

Therefore, the defendant, who is the owner of the above land, is obligated to implement the procedure for ownership transfer registration to the plaintiff on December 20, 1978 due to the completion of the statute of limitations for possession acquisition.

2. Article 208 (3) 3 of the Civil Procedure Act:

3. Considering various circumstances, such as the fact that the Plaintiff, as a local government, was incorporated into the road with the land indicated in the order of 1958 and did not complete the registration until now, it is fair to bear the litigation costs individually.