(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2015.05.07 2014고단4292



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.

One cell phone (No. 5) on seized gallon city shall be confiscated.



Punishment of the crime

[2014 Highest 4292] The Defendant conspired to withdraw the money deposited in the bank account of the said means of access as a member of the international telephone financial fraud (one name “Sing”; hereinafter “Singing”) as a member of the criminal organization of the People’s Republic of China’s Republic of China’s nationality, and, when the Defendant asks the other party to whom the phone was phoneed on a random basis, by opening and sending the passbook and the card to the financial institution, and by soliciting the means of access, such as passbook and the check card from the other party, the Defendant received the said means of access according to the method instructed by the recipient of the said means of access, and then used it to withdraw the money deposited in the bank account of the said means of access.

On November 11, 2014, the name-in-factist stated to the effect that the fact is not a financial institution employee, and thus, the defendant sent to the victim C and the victim D a telephone, "to open and send the passbook and the card when the loan is made, to send the passbook and the card," regardless of the absence of the intention or ability to provide the loan, and the fact is not an employee of the financial institution." The defendant was issued the victim's name-in-fact to the location designated by Kwikset Service provider through the victim C-A Bank Head and one bank check card such as one and one bank check card, one bank check card in the name of the victim C-B Bank, one and one bank check card in the name of the victim D-registered community credit cooperatives, one and one bank check card in the name of Kwikset Service provider. On November 10, 2014, the defendant received at around 10:00 the above Kwikset Service provider's name-in in the name-based household of the victims and 1:27 bank card.

Accordingly, the defendant was informed of the victims by deceiving them in collusion with their names.

[2015 order 288] The defendant and the unsatisfyed person are the ship's nationality of the People's Republic of China and one international telephone financial fraud.