(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2019.09.26 2019고단2351



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

Provided, That the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Interference with business;

A. On March 2, 2019, around 11:10 on March 2, 2019, the Defendant took a bath to “D” stores in the first floor C 1st, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, with the view to “Chewing, Chewing, C, and C,” and obstructed the Defendant’s operation of the victim E by force.

B. At around 11:20 on the same day, the Defendant: (a) 11:20 on the same day, at the “F store of the said C1st floor; (b) humping customers while taking a bath; (c) pushed the customers who are in the store; (d) pushed the customers who are in the store, such as eating and drinking, and cutting the straw, thereby obstructing the victim G’s operation by force.

C. At around 11:25 on the same day, the Defendant: (a) at the above C 1st floor “H” store of the above C 1st floor of the same day, the Defendant obstructed the victim I’s operation by force by obstructing customers who were in the store from ordering hamba, sacing a large amount of interest, sacing down, sacing down, sacking down, sacing, sacing, sacing I’s face by hand, sacing I’s face; (b) sacing I’s face; and (c) sacing I’s face by force.

2. On March 2, 2019, the Defendant engaged in the performance of official duties, around 13:10 on March 2, 2019, committed assault, such as committing a crime of the Seoul Dongdaemun Police Station in Dongdaemun-gu Seoul, Dongdaemun-gu and an integrated investigation room in Seoul, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, and committing an act of assaulting L’s neck by gathering cell phone equipment with L on the part of the Seoul Dongdaemun Police Station, where the Defendant was arrested as a flagrant offender for committing an offense under paragraph (1) and was transferred to the office of duty of the said police station, during the process of preparing documents related to the arrest of the Defendant, such as a letter of arrest of a flagrant offender.

Accordingly, the defendant interfered with the legitimate execution of duties concerning the arrest of police officers.

3. The defendant who damages goods for public use shall be the date, time, place, and one of them mentioned in paragraph (2).