(영문) 전주지방법원 2019.08.13 2019나145

소유권이전등기말소 등


1. Revocation of the first instance judgment.

2. The Plaintiff:

A. As to the real estate listed in paragraph 1 of the attached list, Defendant B.


1. Basic facts

A. The plaintiff, which is the origin of the plaintiff clan, is the clan that is composed of descendants by setting up the L, which is 22 k's k's k's 22 descendants, and was composed of descendants. On June 15, 1993, the general assembly was held to establish the clan regulations and elected M as the representative.

M died on May 25, 2003.

B. Each of the real estate listed in the separate sheet in the separate sheet (hereinafter referred to as "real estate Nos. 1 through 8 of this case" according to the sequence in the separate sheet) was owned by the Plaintiff. As to each of the real estate of this case, each of the real estate of this case was completed by the Defendants as follows.

1) On November 23, 2006, the Jeonju District Court Kim Jong-dong Office, which was completed on November 24, 2006 pursuant to the receipt of No. 27629, filed against Defendant B of the instant real estate No. 1 (hereinafter “registration No. 1”).

() The registration of transfer of ownership (hereinafter “second registration”) completed on February 13, 2013 by the same registry office, which was based on the donation on February 13, 2013, pursuant to the receipt No. 3036, Feb. 13, 2013, to Defendant C.

(3) Defendant G association (hereinafter “Defendant G association”) is limited to the following:

(2) On January 27, 2014, the establishment registration of a neighboring establishment (hereinafter “third registration”) completed on January 27, 2014 by the same registry office (hereinafter “third registration”) No. 1965, Jan. 27, 2014.

(1) Defendant I Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant I”).

(2) The registration of establishment of a neighboring establishment (hereinafter “registration No. 4”) completed on January 27, 2014 by the same registry office, which was based on the contract to establish a contract on September 3, 2014, pursuant to Article 1965 (hereinafter “registration No. 4”).

(2) 2) The instant case 3. The registration of the establishment of a neighboring registry (hereinafter “six-registration”) completed on January 28, 2015 with the Defendant D on October 30, 2007 under the receipt of No. 2680 on November 8, 2007 by the same registry office (hereinafter “registration No. 5”) and the Defendant FF association (hereinafter “Defendant FF association”) based on the contract to establish a contract on January 28, 2015, which was completed on January 28, 2015 by the same registry office (hereinafter “Defendant FF association”).