(영문) 수원지방법원 2016.04.11 2013구합9862



1. The Defendant: (a) KRW 19,81,915; (b) KRW 17,575,085; and (c) KRW 17,57,085 to Plaintiff A; and (b) from November 9, 2013 to 2016.


1. Basic facts

A. The Land Survey Book drawn up in the Japanese occupation point period is written in the land Survey Book by D with the address in the Sung-gun-gun E, 8,45, and 3,880 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “each of the instant circumstances”), written in each of the circumstances.

B. Since then, each part of the instant assessment land became each land indicated in the column for “real estate” listed in [Attachment 1 [Attachment 1] following the division, land category, and change of administrative district, etc. (hereinafter “each of the instant land”; and when each of the instant land is individually referred, “the instant land” according to the sequences.

C. Korea completed each registration of ownership transfer on the land Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 9 of this case on June 20, 196, on the land No. 4 of this case on March 3, 1982, on August 13, 1996, on the land No. 5 and 6 of this case on August 13, 1996, and completed each registration of ownership transfer on the land No. 7 and 8 of this case on January 21, 1975 on February 19, 195.

According to the H river ledger of the H River Maintenance Basic Plan prepared by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation around August 1997 by the Ministry of Construction and Transportation, each of the instant lands is indicated as included in the H river basin which is a national river.

E. The inheritance relationship of the plaintiffs I is as follows.

1) As the plaintiffs' conciliation division, I died on February 4, 1915 and succeeded to the domicile in Jongno-gu Seoul Jongno-guJ (Seoul Gung L on January 28, 1917, Seoul Gungsung M on September 29, 1917, Seoul Gungsung M on April 17, 1918, and O's family register registration system was respectively removed from the Seoul Gungsung N on April 15, 1972) by its wife P (2/13) who died on November 15, 1972, Q (1/13), Plaintiff A (6/13) who is male, and Plaintiff B (4/13 of inheritance) who is the head of South Korea, were jointly inherited.

3) After December 24, 1981, P died on and on December 24, 1981, Q Q [1/117 (=1/13/13 x 1/9)], Plaintiff A [62/117=62/13/13 x 4/9], Plaintiff B (4/17=4/17=4/132/13 x 4/9)) of the Republic of Korea, and Plaintiff B (the Republic of Korea) of the Republic of Korea succeeded jointly with the Plaintiff on April 5, 2013.