(영문) 창원지방법원 마산지원 2013.05.21 2013고정25



Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 3,000,000.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, 50,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

Since July 2008, the Defendant was the manager of the management office of the Changwon-si Office Btel in the Changwon-si, and was engaged in the collection of public funds such as management expenses, and the disbursement of management expenses of the Btel from the occupants of Btel.

1. On August 20, 2008, the Defendant entered into a contract with the KT Telecommunication Operator for the installation of antenna heavy meters for the benefit of the occupants, and embezzled KRW 6,30,000,000 in total by the above 24 times in total as shown in the attached Table of Crimes (1) from around September 23, 2009 to August 24, 201, transferred 50,000 won of the monthly rent for the said antenna point installation from the victims who are the occupants of Btel in the above Btel management office to the GF bank account in the name of the Defendant for the victims.

2. On August 15, 2010, the Defendant entered into a lease agreement with the SK Telecommunication Company on the installation of a antenna studio for the same reason as the above Paragraph (1) and embezzled KRW 402,596 out of the money stored in Changwon-si around September 3, 2010 and embezzled KRW 3,26,596 in total by the above method as stated in the attached Table of Crimes (2) from around 12 times to August 19, 2011, when the victims, who were the occupants of Btel, were transferred to the GG bank account in the name of the Defendant, with the monthly rent of KRW 20,000,000 for the victims.

3. The Defendant’s respective Btels for the restoration work of the above Btels due to the flood disaster around 2009.