(영문) 부산지방법원 2016.08.18 2016고단834



1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for one year and six months;

However, the above sentence shall be imposed for a period of two years and six months from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime


A and F (Suspension of Indictment on the same day) together with a person operating an Internet shopping mall in Suwon-gu G of Busan, and Defendant B was in the business of selling and distributing mobile phone calls with the trade name called “H” in the new forest town in Gwanak-gu, Seoul Special Metropolitan City.

person is a person.

1. In operating the above Internet shopping mall with Defendant AF, the Defendant registered as a seller at the 20th mobile phone (, Ltd.) and the 30th mobile phone store (, Ltd.), and from May 2014 to February 2015, the Defendant: (a) operated the 30th mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-type 5th mobile phone-based mobile phone-type 7th mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-type 9th mobile phone-based mobile phone-type 7th mobile phone-based mobile phone-based mobile phone-type 30108th mobile phone-based mobile phone-based-type 40170thm.

In addition, while operating the open market at the above time and place, the Defendant sold a total of 364 points, such as mobile phone distribution boxes, USB cables, cell phone cases, etc. on a mobile phone unit of KRW 2,427,50 in total, the market price of 2,427,50 on which a trademark registration number is attached or similar to the pattern registered under No. 40-019477 and a trademark registration number registered under No. 0015231, in Samsung Electronic Co., Ltd., the trademark owner, as in the list of crimes (2)-9) in the attached list of crimes.

This is the defendant.