(영문) 서울고등법원 2016.12.15 2016노781



The judgment of the court below is reversed.


A Imprisonment with prison labor of one year and fine of 3,00,000 won, Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor of 3 years and 3 years.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. Defendant A’s assertion that the sentence imposed by the lower court against the Defendant (two months of imprisonment, two years of suspended execution, and confiscation) is too unreasonable.

나. 피고인 B, C의 주장 (1) 사실오인 내지 법리오해 ㈎ 이 사건 P병원(이하 ‘P병원’이라고만 한다)은 피고인 C이 개설, 운영한 의료기관일 뿐 피고인 C과 피고인 B가 동업으로 개설, 운영한 의료기관이 아님에도 원심은 사실을 오인하거나 법리를 오해하여 비의료인의 의료기관개설로 인한 의료법위반죄와 요양급여비용 및 의료급여비용 편취로 인한 특정경제범죄가중처벌등에관한법률위반(사기)죄를 유죄로 인정하였다

(피고인 B의 변호인은 의료급여비용의 경우 지방자치단체가 지급하는 것이므로 피해자 국민건강보험공단에 대한 사기죄의 객체가 되지 않는다고도 주장한다). ㈏ 피고인들은 V이 W센터를 운영하면서 영리 목적으로 무면허 의료행위를 하는 데 공모하거나 가담한 사실이 없음에도 원심은 사실을 오인하거나 법리를 오해하여 이 부분 보건범죄단속에관한특별조치법위반(부정의료업자)죄를 유죄로 인정하였다.

(2) Each sentence sentenced by the lower court to the Defendants (a three years of imprisonment, a fine of five million won against Defendant B, and a fine of three years of imprisonment against Defendant C, and a fine of five million won and confiscation) are too unreasonable.

C. Although the prosecutor’s assertion (1) misunderstanding of facts or misunderstanding of legal principles, Defendant A, who is a non-medical person, separately operated WW at the building of the P Hospital, could be recognized as having committed an unlicensed medical act and conspired to divide the profits therefrom, the lower court acquitted the Defendants of the violation of the Act on Special Measures for the Control of Public Health Crimes among the facts charged.

(2) Each of the above punishments imposed by the lower court on the Defendants is inappropriate.