(영문) 울산지방법원 2015.04.08 2014고단765



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for one year.


Punishment of the crime

From Jun. 10, 2010, the Defendant: (a) from Jun. 10, 2010, as a person operating FF, a cargo transport business entity in the E-dong 201, around Aug. 29, 2012; and (b) on G advertising, the Defendant placed an advertising advertisement to the effect that “(i)” means “(ii)”, “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” “f,” and “f,” and “f,” (iii) “f, “f,” and “f,” (iv) “f, “f,” and “f,” “f,” “f,” at a fixed quantity.

1. Around August 31, 2012, the Defendant against the victim H: (a) issued to the victim H who reported the said advertisement to the victim H, who was found the said advertisement, a name tag stating the name “(ju), F, head office: Songpa-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government I, and representative director A” as if he operated the company with its head office in Seoul; (b) the Defendant operated the F with its head office in Seoul; and (c) the monthly profit of KRW 6 million; and (d) the fixed amount of money set back to guarantee the payment of KRW 6 million.

The 14 tons of cargo vehicles installed with a stable and a wing wing wing can not set up a contract for the aforementioned round-down fixed volume, but set up a company with a fixed volume at the latest, and there is a need to prepare a down payment of about 15 million won in shipping the vehicle. Accordingly, approximately 160,000 won for a stable installation and about 160,000 won for the remainder of the vehicle including about 160,000 won for a wing wing wing wing Engine installation and about 160,000 won for the remainder of the vehicle. The payment of the installments is only 6,000,000 won for the above 6,000,000 won for each month.