A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.
However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.
Punishment of the crime
On September 12, 2017, 2017, the Defendant cut off the door of the E company operated by the victim D in Syang-si around 23:43 on September 12, 2017, the Defendant: (a) 400,000 won of the market price of the victim-owned 40,000,000 won of the market price; (b) 4:4:0,000,000 won of the market price; and (c) 1:0,000,000 won of the 4:0,000,000 won of the market price; and (d) 1:0,000,000 won of the 4:0,000 won of the wire ropes; and (d) 1:0,000,000 won of the market price.
1. A certified judicial violation;
(a) A person who intends to run the brokerage business shall register the establishment of a brokerage office with the head of a Si, etc. having jurisdiction over an area where he/she intends to establish a brokerage office under Acts
Nevertheless, the Defendant: (a) operated an office with the trade name, “H real estate” and “I real estate,” without registering the establishment of a brokerage office in G, and (b) operated real estate brokerage business on June 26, 2017 by way of the same method without registering the establishment of a brokerage office in G; (c) as to the sales contract of 1,874 square meters per se L prior to L, which is owned by J, K, and the sales price, from the J and K on June 26, 2017; (d) around that time, the Defendant arranged for a sales contract of 1,874 square meters per se between J and K; and (e) received KRW 2 million from K as a brokerage fee; and (e) operated real estate brokerage business without registering the establishment of a brokerage office over six times as described in the list of crimes in the attached Table.
(b) No person, other than an authorized broker, shall use the name "authorized Broker Office", "real estate brokerage", or any other name similar thereto;
Nevertheless, around October 2017, the Defendant indicated “H real estate” on the outside standing signboards of the above office and “I real estate representative A” on the name of the Defendant’s use.
Accordingly, the defendant, who is not an authorized broker, used the name similar to the certified broker office.
2. The Defendant shall be free from office.