(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.12.07 2017가합22050



1. The defendant, the defendant, the multi-unit construction office of the plaintiff corporation, the 387,887,500 won and the plaintiff corporation.


1. 기초사실 계약건명 : 퀼즈아일랜드 신축공사건축감리용역 계약기간 : 착공일부터 2014. 9. 30.까지(22개월) 총 계약금액 : 605,000,000원 (공급가액 550,000,000원, 부가세 55,000,000원) 구분 원고 공급가액 부가세 계 감리분담금액 원고 다주종합건축사사무소 357,500,000원 35,750,000원 393,250,000원 원고 종합건축사사무소 산 192,500,000원 19,250,000원 211,750,000원 계 550,000,000원 55,000,000원 605.000.000원 감리비 내역

A. On April 3, 2012, the Defendant entered into a supervision service agreement with the Plaintiffs, a supervision service provider, on December 12, 2012, with the content that the Defendant newly constructed accommodation facilities on the ground of 36-9, in writing, in Chuncheon market (hereinafter “instant construction”).

(4) For reasons for the extension of the period of the supervision service contract: The alteration (22 months) from the date of the initial commencement ( November 30, 2012) to September 30, 2014: the value of the revised contract for the additional contract between June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2015 (31 months: 50,000,000 KRW 225,000,000, KRW 75,000, KRW 75,000, KRW 75,000, KRW 222,50,000, KRW 750,000, KRW 75,000, KRW 75,000, KRW 75,000, KRW 750,000, KRW 605,005,005, KRW 7,500,000, KRW 505,005,050,05,050 supervision services contract

B. The Plaintiffs posted supervisors at the construction site according to the instant contract, but delayed construction of the instant construction, and thus dismissed supervisors. On October 1, 2014, the Defendant entered into a modified contract with the Plaintiffs as follows.