1.A defendant among the judgments of the court of first instance, ordered payment in excess of the amount ordered by the following:
1. Basic facts
A. The Plaintiff is a company engaged in manufacturing, processing, processing, selling, transporting, subdividing, cultivating, cultivating, or cultivating agricultural or livestock products and its agency business. The Plaintiff is a business entity that manufactures eggs processed scamblings, scamblings, scams, etc.
B. A continuous contract relationship between the Plaintiff and the Defendant and the Plaintiff’s unpaid goods 1) On November 201, 201, the Plaintiff entered into a commodity transaction contract with the Defendant (hereinafter “instant contract”).
A) From that time until February 2015, the Plaintiff entered into a contract with the Defendant, from that time until February 2015, in a form of a mixture between a scam and a white scam in the form of liquid eggs, such as the scam amount, which is used as food processing ingredients, such as bread products, maz, and water leakage. The Plaintiff supplied the entire amount of the eggs supplied by the Defendant (hereinafter referred to as “cambling”).
(2) On January 2015, the Defendant supplied the Plaintiff with an amount equivalent to KRW 154,114,400, such as the franchis, and issued the tax invoice on January 31, 2015. On February 2015, the Defendant supplied the amount equivalent to KRW 60,625,470 to the Plaintiff, and issued the tax invoice on February 28, 2015.
다. KBS(한국방송공사)의 ‘폐기물 계란’ 사건 보도 KBS는 2015. 2. 13. 저녁 9시 뉴스의 첫 꼭지로 “[단독] 농협 계란 공장, ‘폐기물 계란’ 모아 식품 원료 사용”이라는 뉴스를 단독 보도하였는데, 그 요지는, '피고가 운영하는 계란가공공장에서 할란(割卵, 계란을 깸) 공정 후 나오는 계란 껍데기를 난각처리기 난각(계란 껍데기)을 분쇄한 후 원심력을 이용하여 계란 껍데기와 거기에 묻어 있는 계란액을 분리하는 장치이다.
에 넣어 껍데기와 액체를 분리한 후 이 찌꺼기 액체를 정상 액란과 섞어 다시 사용하고, 폐기물로 버려야 하는 계란을 재사용할 뿐만 아니라, 파란(破卵, 깨진 계란),...