(영문) 서울고등법원 2018.08.09 2018노675



The judgment of the court below is reversed.

A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than three years and six months.

Sexual assault against the defendant for 80 hours.


(b)a similar outline;

I am this kind of exposure, which is so far. I am hymbly, it was hard to say that the same machine was hymar.

I do not need to do so, but need to do so.

If so, this is. This is so doing, and if so, a new shym this hym, so doing hym this hym, so we do this hymb, so we need to do so.

Written understanding

sentence: The answer that has been understood, therefore, we continue to do so by cutting off or cutting off the arms, and returning back again.

sentence: The person who has continued to do so;

The answer: this was so reported, which is a new, continuing to do so.

sentence: Malithical explanation

The answer: The answer so we need this only. Once we can do so, this *** the door: Ma: Masday: Masday: Masday: Masday: Masday: Masday: so, we can see the hand from time to time to time to see the hand, so we can see the sexual organ.

but required to do so.

Therefore, it is so far that ** has been reported as being locked at all times, but the sex was so well known at that time.

one level of objection was shown to that effect.

(e.g., e.g., e., g., e., g., e., g.s.).

In other words, the answer: The answer to the extent that the cover was covered by the one: how it was sent by the one: this, and the 10 cents away from the important parts of the small buckbucks in the major parts of the bucks ** :

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If he was off or off, he or she may do so.

Nos. 666, 196, 196, 199, 199, 199, 199

That is the same as intention, *** again, it is required to re-examine.

Because it has continued to do so, it has been spared, so repeated,*** ever in depth, and it has been first ever three times at one time.

Does: at once.