(영문) 인천지방법원 2018.09.12 2017나62115

소유권이전등기말소 등


1. The plaintiff's appeal is dismissed.

2. The costs of appeal shall be borne by the Plaintiff.

The purport of the claim and appeal is the purport of the appeal.


1. The ground for appeal by the plaintiff citing the judgment of the court of first instance is not significantly different from the argument in the court of first instance, and even if the evidence examined in the court of first instance shows the evidence presented in the records, the fact-finding and the judgment of the court of first instance are justified.

Therefore, the reasoning of this court's judgment is identical to the reasoning of the judgment of the first instance except for dismissal as follows. Thus, this court's judgment is citing it according to the main sentence of Article 420 of the Civil Procedure Act.

2. The part to be mard;

A. The fifth fifth of the judgment of the court of first instance determined that “the result of the fact-finding to this court’s Jdong Administrative Welfare Center” was “the result of the fact-finding inquiry to the Jdong Administrative Welfare Center of the court of first instance, as the result of the fact-finding inquiry with respect to the K appraiser of this court.”

B. The five pages of the judgment of the first instance court to the phrase “the apartment of this case” from the phrase “the apartment of this case” to the phrase “the deceased, at the time, appears to separately delegate the authority to dispose of the apartment of this case to H when preparing the testament of this case.”

C. The court of first instance dismissed “legal inheritor” as “legal inheritor” in the fifth column of the judgment. D.

The 5th column of the judgment of the court of first instance shall be written with the “shot” as “shot.”

3. In conclusion, the plaintiff's claim of this case shall be dismissed as it is without merit, and the judgment of the court of first instance is just, and the plaintiff's appeal is dismissed as it is without merit. It is so decided as per Disposition.