(영문) 대전지방법원 서산지원 2015.05.21 2014고단1074



The defendant shall be innocent.


Around October 10, 2013, the Defendant was present at the Daejeon District Court 313, Seocheon-dong, Seocheon-si, Seocheon-si, Daejeon District Court 313, and took an oath as a witness of the above court 2013Gahap255, which was brought by the Plaintiff C against Defendant D and E, and then was engaged in transactions with F with G fishing village fraternities, and supply them to C. The Defendant (Defendant) and C sold bats supplied from G to low-income earners, with an interim profit of KRW 1 100,000,000,000,000,000 won, which was not received from the last transaction with C. The amount of KRW 50,500,000,000,000,000,000,000 won, which should be repaid from the E-14,501,000,000 won.

However, in fact, the Defendant did not enter into an agreement with C or engage in any other transaction with C in 2004, but did not receive 500,000 km (50,000 x 100 won =50,000,000) from G fishing village fraternity in 2004 and did not transfer to C, and there was no fact that the Defendant received 50,000,000 won from E in the name of the intermediate profit accrued from the sale of Babs, and there was no fact that not only received 50,000,000 won in the name of the intermediary profit accrued from Babs.

Accordingly, the defendant made a false statement against his memory and raised a perjury.


1. The Defendant asserted that, around 2004, the G fishing village fraternity was supplied with acceptance from the Defendant to the F and the same business, while supplying it to the G fishing village fraternity, C sold the boom and divided one out of the profits. In the process of urging C to pay the 200 million won of the profits sold by C, E paid the above profits instead of the above profits.