(영문) 창원지방법원 통영지원 2015.11.25 2015고단876



Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Criminal facts

On May 2, 2015, at around 07:38, the Defendant driven the front road C, which is located in Dong-gu, Chungcheongnam-gu, Seoul, and continued to proceed to the front of the road C, which is located in Dong-gu, Chungcheongnam-do.

At that time, there was a center line in the center of the road, and thus, there was a duty of care to prevent a person engaged in driving service from breaking the center line.

Nevertheless, the Defendant shocked the front part of the victim E (Seoul, 51 years old) driving vehicle, which was driven by the center line due to the negligence in the course of duties driving the center line, with the front part of the victim E (Seoul, 51 years old) driving, with the front part of the vehicle driven by the Defendant, and the shocked the front part of the victim G (Seoul, 53 years old) driving with the lower part of the front part of the victim’s Hfrad dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd dyd k to the right part of the said vehicle.

피고인은 위와 같이 중앙선을 침범하여 운전한 업무상의 과실로 위와 같은 내용의 교통사고를 일으켜 각 그 충격으로 피해자 E에게 약 14주간의 치료가 필요한 무릎뼈의 개방성 골절 등의 상해를, 위 아반떼 승용차의 동승자인 피해자 M(남, 15세)에게 약 10주간의 치료가 필요한 경골 상단 골절 등의 상해를, 피해자 K에게 약 2주간의 치료가 필요한 요추의 염좌 및 긴장의 상해를, 위 택시의 승객인 피해자 N(남, 15세)에게 약 2주간의 치료가 필요한 경추의 염좌 및 긴장 등의 상해를, 피해자 I에게 약 2주간의 치료가 필요한 경추의 염좌 및 긴장의 상해를, 피해자 G에게 약 2주간의...