(영문) 춘천지방법원원주지원 2019.05.22 2017가단36696



1. As to Plaintiff A’s KRW 6,156,60, and KRW 1,00,000 for Plaintiff B and each of the said money, the Defendant shall start from April 6, 2016 to May 2019.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On March 18, 2016, Defendant Company entered into an employment contract with Plaintiff A and had the said Plaintiff engage in adjoining work for the manufacture of steel and bridge structures at the construction site at the first factory of the D Company located in the Yananan-si.

B. At the work site where Plaintiff A was engaged in adjacent work, three steel scrap work units with a height of 1.8m, 1.5m wide, and 12m long have been installed at intervals of about 30 to 40m long, and each of the above work units had been employed at a distance of about 30 to 40cm. Among the three work units, one of the three work units was installed with steel molds used to mislead the floor and the work unit, and the two of the two work units were installed with a string pipe, but no solid steel bridge was installed, and the defendant did not have a string bridge in all the work units (No. 5-1 and 2 of evidence No. 5-2) submitted by the Defendant as similar to the site of the accident in this case.

There is no rail installed at the edge of each working zone, and there is no sign that can be used when breaking up each working zone in a space between each working zone, and there was no scood, etc. in preparation for fall on the surrounding floor of the working zone.

다. 원고 A은 2016. 4. 6. 08:10경 피고 회사 현장소장의 작업지시에 따라 용접에 필요한 자재들을 작업장에 설치된 3개의 작업대 위로 운반하는 작업을 하던 중 작업대 사이의 공간에 발을 헛딛으며 작업장 바닥으로 추락하였고, 이로 인하여 제3 내지 6번 늑골골절, 제10 내지 12번 흉추골절, 우측 견봉골절, 뇌진탕, 다발성 타박상 등의 상해를 입었다

(hereinafter “instant accident”). D.


A due to the instant accident, not later than January 11, 2017, from the Korea Labor Welfare Corporation until January 14, 2017, KRW 14,594,160 and health care benefit6.