(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.01.17 2013노4002



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal is unreasonable. 2. Although the judgment of this court is against the defendant's mistake, the defendant committed a habitual larceny of this case during the period of repeated crime of the same type of crime despite the fact that the defendant had been punished four times, including a similar type of crime, even though he had been punished several times, the defendant again committed the crime of habitual larceny of this case during the period of repeated crime of the same crime. The first instance court set the sentence favorable to the defendant by escaping two years, which is the lowest limit of the sentencing range according to the sentencing guidelines, and other various circumstances, including the defendant's age, character, character, environment, family relationship, motive, means and consequence of each of the crimes of this case, the circumstances after the crime, and the risk of recidivism, are considered as being too unreasonable. Thus, the defendant's argument that this point is not acceptable.

3. Accordingly, we cannot accept the Defendant’s appeal under Article 364(4) of the Criminal Procedure Act.