(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2013.06.21 2013고정583



All of the prosecutions of this case are dismissed.


1. The summary of the facts charged is a person who is engaged in driving a car of Cusscar.

Around 22:30 on December 5, 2012, the Defendant driven the said car and made a turn to the left at about 30-40 km each hour from the center distance to the center, along the two-lanes in front of the terminal shooting distance in 589 Sungpo-dong, Seopo-gu, Seopo-gu, Seopo-gu, Sungsan-si.

At the time, the snow was fluent, and the snow laid on the surface was ice, so there was a duty of care to safely operate the driver of the vehicle by accurately manipulating the steering and the right and the right and the right and the right of the driver of the vehicle.

Nevertheless, due to the negligence of the defendant's failure to make a left-hand turn at the left-hand turn, the defendant left-hand turn of the car in front of the victim D's driving, which was stopped in front of the defendant's driving direction at the two-lanes of the road facing the defendant's driving direction, got the part of the victim D's left-hand front-hand part of the E's driving of the E's car stopped in front of the driver's right-hand part of the defendant's vehicle. With the shock, the above L's car is towed to the front-hand part of the driver's vehicle, and the above L's car is towed to the front-hand part of the above L's driving, which was stopped for traffic signal at the three-lanes of the same road, and also at the same lane as the front-hand part of the F's driving, which was stopped for traffic signal.

Ultimately, the Defendant caused the injury to the victim D, such as dynasium and tension, which requires approximately two weeks of medical treatment to the victim D due to the above occupational negligence; injury to the victim J, who is the passenger of Lynasty, such as brain synasium, which requires approximately three weeks of medical treatment; injury to the victim F, such as dynasium, which requires approximately two weeks of medical treatment; and at the same time, injury to the victim F, such as dynasium, requires the above Lynas vehicle to be repaired in KRW 3,749,126.