(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.09.19 2018고단7833



[Defendant A] The defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for ten months.

However, the above punishment for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendants were in close friendly relationship with neighbors living in Jung-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government C.

1. On June 8, 2018, at around 01:55, the Defendant drinked alcoholic beverages with the victim B (the age of 58) on the fourth floor of the above C fourth floor, and the Defendant stated that “the blood type of blood is a type A and a horse is replaced by the fraud” to the victim, and that “the blood type of blood is a type A and a horse is replaced by the fraud,” and the Defendant was punished by mutual fighting, while the Defendant was satched, the head of the victim was satched once on the lab, and the victim’s body was satched by drinking.”

In the vicinity of the 3th floor stairs, the defendant continued to be faced with the head of the victim's disease. The defendant saw the face part of the victim by drinking, pushed the victim's chest, pushed the victim's breast, tightly tightly, tightly tightly tightly tightly tightly tightly tightly tightly leash the victim's body, tightly leash the victim's body from the floor, leash the victim's breast part from the floor, tightly string the victim's head when the victim's head can be taken into consideration.

Accordingly, the defendant carried dangerous objects and inflicted an injury on the victim.

2. At the time and time set forth in paragraph (1), Defendant B, as seen above, she fighted with the victim A (the age of 50) and scambling the victim's timber with his left hand, was inflicted on the victim's body, such as scambling him, and scambling him, and suffered injury from the victim's head due to becambing from his head. The Defendant, in the vicinity of the third floor stairs, requested the victim to recover medical expenses from scam, but the victim refused to do so, but scam the part of the victim's left head one time due to an empty scamboming disease in scambling with the victim, again fightd with the victim, and then, scambling with the victim's left head one time due to an empty scambling disease.