(영문) 특허법원 2017.10.13 2017허4914



1. The instant lawsuit shall be dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit are assessed against the plaintiffs.


The plaintiffs submitted a complaint to this court on July 12, 2017, stating that "the reasons for the claims will be later submitted." This court issued the first order of correction to the plaintiffs on July 14, 2017 to the effect that "the documents stating specific reasons for the claims shall be submitted within 21 days from the date of receipt of this order." The plaintiffs did not submit a preparatory document stating specific reasons for the claims within the specified period even after being served with the first order of correction on July 18, 2017. This court sent the plaintiffs a written urging to submit a preparatory document to the plaintiffs on September 5, 2017. The plaintiffs failed to submit the preparatory documents within the specified period of time after being served with the above urge of correction on September 11, 2017. The plaintiffs did not submit the preparatory documents within the specified period of time from the date of receipt of the order of correction to the plaintiffs on September 27, 2017.

Pursuant to Article 249(1) of the Civil Procedure Act, a complaint shall state the grounds for the claim that can be justified. The Plaintiffs did not submit a preparatory document stating the specific grounds for the claim despite two orders of correction of the two different orders of this Court.

Therefore, an order to dismiss a complaint shall be issued pursuant to Article 254(2) and (1) of the Civil Procedure Act, but since the complaint is served on the defendant and the lawsuit has been pending, the lawsuit of this case shall be dismissed by judgment.