(영문) 부산지방법원 2014.04.25 2013고단8759




A and C shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months, and by imprisonment for six months, respectively.

provided that this judgment has become final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendants’ co-principal

A. The Defendants and E (the suspension of indictment on the same day) attempted to forge a real estate lease agreement in which the Defendant A was a lessee with the knowledge that the victim D borrowed money through a real estate lease agreement, thereby forging the real estate lease agreement in which the Defendant A was a lessee, thereby obtaining money from the victim.

1) On April 9, 2010, the Defendants and E drafted private documents at G coffee shop located in Busan Jung-gu, Busan, and signed an inspection on the real estate lease contract paper through the G coffee shop in the vicinity of the Defendant E with the color of inspection on the real estate lease contract paper. The Defendants conspired with the public official of the Republic of Korea for the purpose of exercising the right and duty of the Plaintiff’s real estate lease contract in collusion with the aforementioned B-D contract document in the name of the public official of the Republic of Korea and the notary public of Busan for the purpose of exercising the right and duty of the said B-D contract. The Defendants conspired with the public official of the Republic of Korea for the purpose of exercising the right and duty of the Plaintiff’s real estate lease contract in collusion with the public official of the Republic of Korea and the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the public official of the private sector.

3) The Defendants and E presented one copy of the forged real estate lease contract, together with the preceding paragraph, at the same time, at the same time and place as the foregoing paragraph (1), to the victim D, and the lessee who Defendant A had the security deposit amounting to KRW 30 million on the pertinent real estate, and the said real estate lease contract was duly formed.