(영문) 수원지방법원 2018.07.17 2018고단2513



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

1. On December 2013, the Defendant’s fraud against the victim G (a separate name “H”) came to know of the casino by Cambodia’s partner I (a separate name “J”) and I as a result of the introduction of the casino, and the victim G, which is the seat of L, together with L, L, M, N,O, P, and Q, has the right to share the amount of money lost by the victim, and the Defendant and K, etc., have engaged in gambling and leading the victim to return to Korea with his/her obligation to the victim, and the Defendant and K, etc., had the victim play the role of leading the victim to gambling to return to Korea with his/her obligation to the victim, thereby inducing the victim to return to Korea with his/her obligation to the victim and causing the victim to return to Korea, while inducing the victim to return to Korea with his/her obligation to the victim and inducing the victim to return to Korea with his/her own obligation to the victim and causing the victim to return to Korea.”

On December 2013, L, the victim's seat, added L, the victim to Cambodia to travel along with Cambodia, and introduced N,O, P, and M to the victim, and he/she entered the family problem and instead introduced K in the solar travel. K, N,O, P, and M, together with the victim, entered the solar travel with the victim and sent it to the third party.