(영문) 전주지방법원 2018.12.20 2016가단10515



1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On July 10, 2006, the date of publication of the type of work No. 1 J (C) work, the date of publication of the title of the work, No. 1 International J (C) work, and on July 1, 2006, the Plaintiff registered K L Compilation work, pressurine, April 24, 2007, MN work on July 10, 2005, on July 10, 2005, as copyright No. 1967, Jul. 10, 2006, on July 10, 2006, as copyright No. 7558, Jul. 10, 2006; No. 7568, Jul. 17, 2005; No. 7539, Jul. 6, 2005>

(hereinafter referred to as "works" in the following table. (b) When indicating each work listed in the table, it shall be referred to as "works" in accordance with the table.

Defendant B’s criminal case 1) In operating “W”, Defendant B was indicted for having infringed on copyright by arbitrarily performing and exhibiting the copyrighted works in the form of 1,2,4,5,6, and 7 to an unspecified number of people without the Plaintiff’s permission, and the judgment is in progress under the judgment of the Gwangju District Court 2016 High Court 2087. (2) In relation to the fact that Defendant C infringed on the Plaintiff’s copyrighted works in the field of X experience without the Plaintiff’s permission, the prosecutor of the Daejeon District Prosecutors’ Office in the Daejeon District Public Prosecutor’s Office on September 22, 2016, although it is recognized as above, Defendant C received the management right in the above field of experience from Defendant D and used the copyrighted materials, and did not know that the copyrighted materials were reproduced by the copyright holder, and thus, Defendant C was subject to a disposition without suspicion (defluence of evidence) against Defendant C.

3. Defendant D’s crime of infringing on copyright by performing, exhibiting, and exhibiting the data of the point lecture, which reproduced two copyrighted works without the Plaintiff’s permission, at a X experience site in theY, is punishable by a fine of two million won at the Daejeon District Court on December 6, 2018.