(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2018.07.20 2012가합71942



1. Defendant B Co., Ltd. shall pay to the Plaintiff KRW 2,00,000 as well as to the period from July 17, 2012 to July 20, 2018.


Basic Facts

The relevant Plaintiff (the Plaintiff Co., Ltd. before the change; hereinafter “E”) is a company established for advertisement planning and agency business, and a member G of the National Assembly belonging to the F Party before holding 9.6% of the Plaintiff’s shares.

E or the Plaintiff (hereinafter “instant local election”) and the KK’s general election (hereinafter “instant general election”) were in charge of promoting the election of L parties or F party candidates at H date I (hereinafter “instant general election”).

Defendant B (hereinafter “Defendant B”) is a media company that issues Internet newspapers “M” and “N” in a comprehensive daily newspaper.

Defendant D Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Defendant D”) is a media company that broadcasts “D”, a general programming broadcasting company.

Defendant C (former Co., Ltd.; hereinafter “Defendant C”) is a media company that publishes online newspapers, and is a company that publishes press articles reported by Defendant D on the P website.

On July 17, 2012, Defendant B published Articles 2 and 2 of [T] [Attachment 2] written by Q and R [S] in the Internet newspaper “M] prepared by Defendant B, as well as Articles 2 and 2 of the [Attachment 1] written by Q to N in the comprehensive daily newspaper “N.”

제1, 2 기사에는 각 검찰 수사 결과 원고가 자신이 홍보를 담당한 선거에서 선거비용을 부풀리기 위한 매뉴얼까지 만들어 조직적으로 국고를 빼돌려온 것으로 확인되었고, 매뉴얼을 활용해 작성된 ‘뻥튀기 청구서’ 리스트도 압수하는 등 입증자료가 이미 다 확보되어 있다는 내용(이하 ‘① 부분’이라 한다), 검찰에서 ‘이르면 다음주(2012. 7. 말경)’ 중에 G를 소환 조사할 방침이라는 내용(이하 ‘② 부분’이라 한다), 이 사건 지방선거 외에도 E이 2005년 설립된 이후 맡았던 모든 선거홍보 업무에서도...