(영문) 수원지방법원 2014.01.23 2013노5517



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


Summary of Grounds for Appeal

The sentence of the court below against the accused (one year of imprisonment) is too unreasonable.


Although the court below has already taken into account such circumstances in sentencing, there is no change in circumstances as to the amount of fraud in this case from the judgment of the court below, even though the amount of fraud in this case reaches KRW 12 million prior to the above installment payment agreement, it is not actually recovered until now. Even if according to the above installment payment agreement at the court below, even if the defendant begins to pay the amount of installments in December 31, 2015, the law of the crime in this case, such as the fact that the defendant assumes a public official of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, is inferior, and the defendant's age, character, environment, circumstances, circumstances, circumstances after the crime, etc., the punishment sentenced by the court below cannot be said to be excessive.

In conclusion, the defendant's appeal is dismissed in accordance with Article 364 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Act since it is without merit. It is so decided as per Disposition.