(영문) 수원지방법원 2016.01.14 2015고단3814




A and B Imprisonment with prison labor for one year and two months, for each of the defendants C and D, for 10 months, and for defendant E with prison labor for six months.


Punishment of the crime


A, Defendant B, and Defendant C are persons operating the Internet sports gambling site; Defendant D is a person who invested money in the said sports gambling site; Defendant E is a person who works at the said sports gambling site as an employee.

1. A person, who is not a trustee of a national sports promotion corporation in the Seoul Olympic Games, nor a trustee of a sports promotion voting right shall not engage in an act of offering property or property benefits to a person who has correctly predicted the outcome by issuing the sports promotion voting right or any similar one;


A and B, while managing the Internet sports gambling site, paid a refund to users who meet the result of the games, and Defendant C registered the game that users can play betting on the said site and charged with the game money. Defendant D conspired in order to operate the Internet sports gambling site by sharing acts such as leasing the office to work and investing money.

Based on the above public offering, Defendants A, B, and D: (a) from February 11, 2014 to September 28, 2014, Defendant J, Defendant A, B, and C, the Internet sports gambling site, from December 1, 2014 to January 2015, operated the Internet sports gambling site from March 201 to January 303, 201; (b) deposited the said site’s game money with money of KRW 10,00 to KRW 10,000,000,000,000 to KRW 707,000,000; and (c) deposited the game money to the sports users in cash, and wired the money to the said site users via cash.

As a result, the Defendants conspired to receive a total of KRW 978,93,594 from 37 users of M or other Internet sports gambling sites to gambling, and cause them to receive a total of KRW 978,93,594, goods or goods from those who predicted the result of sports games.