(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2016.03.25 2015고단4458



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

The name and influor of the cause of the phishing organization, who misrepresented the staff of the investigative agency to identify the account number, password, etc. from the victims, used it to transfer money from the account in the name of the victim to a specific account, and had the Defendant and other books withdraw the money.

1. On May 12, 2015, at a place where it is difficult to know about 09:30 on May 12, 2015, the victim C entered a new bank Internet banking site using a computer used by the victim C’s office, allowing the victim C to appear on the computer screen a false “spop-up strengthening of security certification” type using a malicious program installed on the above computer. The victim’s personal information is the victim’s personal information, the bank account number, identification number, and official identification number of the victim’s new bank account in the victim’s name, the victim’s new bank account number, identification number, and the new bank account number were entered into the victim’s new Saemaul account and the victim did not withdraw the bank account number (the one “OTP number”) of the victim’s Saemaul on the same day, and the victim did not withdraw the bank account number in the name of the victim’s new bank account under the victim’s name, the bank number, the OTP number, and the new bank account name was entered in the above 30.

In this respect, the nameless person has caused the victim to the data processing device such as computer for the purpose of telecommunications financing fraud.