토지인도 등
1. The Defendants against the Plaintiffs:
(a) the attached drawings indication i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 2.2.
1. Facts of recognition;
A. The first FF Co., Ltd. was also the co-defendant, but the Plaintiffs withdrawn the lawsuit on November 7, 2016.
(2) The Plaintiff (hereinafter referred to as the “Nonindicted Company”) constructed and sold the housing on the land of the said building site, including the land of the said building site of the said building site (hereinafter referred to as the “instant site”). The Plaintiffs owned the said housing on the instant site, and the Defendants owned the said housing on the land of the said land of the said building site of the said case by selling the said housing on the land of the said building site of the said building site of the Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul.
B. At present, the site of this case owned by the plaintiffs is located on the front side of the road between the site of this case and the site of this case owned by the defendants, and the building site of this case owned by the plaintiffs is composed of a flower, and the building site of this case is used as a road which enters the inside of the road as a parking facility because the sidewalk block is linked.
As this is established, the boundaries of both sites are divided, and the boundaries of both sites are divided into a stone shed installed by the Defendants on the back part of the site of this case.
다. 그런데 이 사건 대지와 피고들 소유 대지의 경계선은 별지 도면 표시 2, 3을 연결한 직선인데, 현재 같은 도면 표시 ㄱ, ㄴ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, 3 ㄴ ~ ㅋ 부분이 원고의 주택 대지 부분이 피고의 주택 대지 부분을 침범하고 있는 부분이며, 그 면적은 0.4㎡다.
Since the line connecting each point is a real boundary, both sides are in possession of a part of the site part of the other party's housing. D.
For the same reason, the part 0.8 square meters on the ship (A) section 0.8 square meters connected in order to each point of Annex 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, and 1, among the instant land, among the instant land, consisting of the parking lot floor facilities consisting of news reporting block, which are used as an access road to the parking lot to the housing owned by the Defendants, and the part 0.8 square meters connected in order to each point of Annex 1, 3,