(영문) 서울고등법원 2013.10.18 2013노2324



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The summary of the grounds for appeal: The sentencing of the lower court on the Defendant of unreasonable sentencing (three years of imprisonment) is too unreasonable.

2. The circumstances are favorable to the Defendant, such as the fact that the Defendant was the first offender, and his mistake is pened in depth, that the victim does not want the punishment of the Defendant, that the Defendant’s speech was disregarded by the victim, and that there are circumstances that may be considered in the motive of the crime in this case.

그러나 피고인은 피해자가 모욕적인 말을 하였다는 이유만으로 식칼을 거꾸로 쥔 채 무방비상태에 있던 피해자의 어깨, 등, 얼굴 등 신체 주요부위를 여러 차례 찔러 피해자를 살해하려 하였고, 그로 인하여 피해자가 외상성 혈흉, 흉강 내로의 열린 상처 등 매우 중한 상해를 입게 되어 그 죄질이 무거운 점, 피고인이 G으로부터 제지당하지 않았다면 피고인의 범행으로 인하여 피해자가 사망했을 가능성이 농후하였던 점, 이로 인해 피해자는 이미 수차례 수술을 감당해야 했고, 앞으로도 오랜 기간의 치료와 안정이 필요하며 특히 젊은 여성으로서 평생을 살아가는 데에 심한 수치심과 정신적 고통을 겪을 수밖에 없는 안면부 상처를 입기도 한 점 등은 피고인에게 불리한 정상이다.

In addition, taking into account all the circumstances that serve as the conditions for sentencing, such as the Defendant’s age, character and conduct, environment, relationship with the victim, motive, means and consequence of the crime, circumstances after the crime, etc., the sentencing guidelines for the crime of attempted murder to be applied in relation to the instant case falls under the category 2 (ordinary motive murder) among the sentencing guidelines for the crime of murder committed by the former homicide (amended on April 22, 2013 and enforced May 15, 2013) and falls under the category 2 “basic area” among the sentencing guidelines for the crime of attempted murder. < Amended by Act No. 11734, Apr. 22, 2013; Act No. 11837, May 15, 2013>