(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2021.01.12 2019가단5205889



1. The Defendant paid KRW 22,046,736 to the Plaintiff KRW 5% per annum from July 4, 2018 to January 12, 2021.


Basic Facts

The Plaintiff is an insurer who has concluded a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with respect to C-owned vehicles (D New Car 25 passengers, hereinafter “Plaintiffs”).

The defendant is an insurer who has concluded a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with respect to the vehicle owned by E (FS-type car, hereinafter referred to as "Defendant vehicle").

G around 05:40 on April 4, 2018, when driving the Defendant vehicle and passing through a point of 80.4 km from the e.g., Seocheon-gu Incheon Highway Incheon. G, the front part of the large cargo vehicle (H5 tons truck, hereinafter referred to as “damageed vehicle”) which stops unroutly over one lane and two lanes, was driven by the front part of the Defendant vehicle (hereinafter referred to as “first accident”). As a result, the damaged vehicle turned back to the port, while keeping the front part toward the port, was set rhyd over the center extending over one and two lanes.

G이 피고차량에서 내려 피해차량 운전자의 상태를 확인하는 중에 후방에서 달려온 다른 승용차 (I 폭스바겐 뉴 비틀) 가 3 차로에 정차된 피고차량을 들이받고 갓길 쪽으로 튕겨 나갔다.

그 직후 후방에서 2 차로 상을 진행하던 원고차량이 피해차량의 왼쪽 앞부분( 운전석 부분) 을 들이받았고( 이하 ‘2 차 사고’ 라 한다), 그 충격으로 피해차량의 운전자인 망 J(K 생, 남) 이 운전석에서 튕겨 나오면서 1 차로 상을 진행하던 다른 승용차 (L 그랜저, 이하 ‘ #3 차량’ 이라 한다) 의 보닛과 앞 유리에 부딪힌 다음 도로 바닥에 떨어져 그 자리에서 두개골 골절 등으로 사망하였다.

•3.A driver of a vehicle suffers from injuries, such as strings, such as Madogs, shoulders, legs, etc.

Specific accident circumstance is that N, the driver of the plaintiff vehicle, referring to the survey report on the actual condition of attached Form 2, violates the duty to drive safety, such as the front-time, in the state of poor visibility.