(영문) 창원지방법원통영지원 2015.07.23 2014가합2798



1. The Defendant: 19,780,504 won to Plaintiff A; 67,253,714 won to Plaintiff B; 67,253,714 won to Plaintiff C; and 35,604 won to Plaintiff D.


Facts of recognition


A, B, C, D, E, and F are the successors of the network M (Death on 28 December 1972) that are the children of the deceased L (Death of December 28, 1972), the plaintiffs G, H, I, I, and J are the successors of the deceased L (Death of June 11, 1992) who are the children of the deceased L, and the defendants are the successors of the deceased LN (Death of February 21, 1982), the south of the deceased L, as follows:

(1) The Plaintiff C (A) Plaintiff C (A) Plaintiff E (A), Plaintiff E (A), and Plaintiff B (A), Plaintiff E (A) (A), and Plaintiff B (A), were assigned to the instant golf course for the construction of the instant land (hereinafter “tourist development compensation”), Plaintiff I (A), Plaintiff D (C), Nonparty F (C), Nonparty F (C), Nonparty F (C), Nonparty F (C), Nonparty F (C), Nonparty F (C, Nonparty F (C, Nonparty F, Nonparty F) and Nonparty F (C)’s death on June 11, 1992) to the extent that it is meaningful in the inheritance relationship. The instant land development compensation was implemented (hereinafter “tourist development compensation”).

Defendant, P, Q, and R (hereinafter “Defendant, etc.”) agreed on July 30, 2014 that the Defendant shall own the entire inheritance shares of the network N on the instant land solely.

Accordingly, the final shares of the plaintiffs and the defendant are as follows.

(Calculation Process is attached to the separate sheet of the heir's share of inheritance). The heir's share of Plaintiff A 225/5,220 deceased C 765/5,220 Plaintiff C 765/5,220 Plaintiff D 405/5,220 Plaintiff E 765/5,220 Plaintiff G 25/5/5,220 Plaintiff G 255/5,220 Plaintiff G 25/5,220 deceased deceased deceased deceased's heir's child of Plaintiff H170/5, 220 Plaintiff J 170/5, 220 Plaintiff J 170/5, 220 Defendant 1, 125/5, 220 deceased L's heir's share of inheritance, P, Q, and R's share of inheritance was transferred to the Defendant on August 21, 2014.

The Plaintiffs, Defendant, etc., on September 30, 2014, are the Defendant’s land of this case.